Talk (lies / dishonesty)

The dictionary says "lie (noun) Intentional false statement; imposture, false belief, give this ~ to, belie, serve to show falsity of; tell a ~, make a intentional false statement. ~ v.i. (pres. Part. Lying). Speak falsely, tell lie(s); take away, get into, out of, by lying; (of things) deceive."

Talk Introduction

When you parents were out, you some how managed to kill the family pet. When asked about it, do you:

  1. Denny all knowledge
  2. Tell them what happened
  3. Try and find a replacement

You are around your friend's house when you accidentally drop your friends Gameboy while he/she is not looking. Do you:

  1. Offer to buy a new one
  2. Say it was like that when you found it
  3. Hide it, so he/she finds it later

You discover your best mate's girlfriend/boyfriend has been seeing somebody else. If asked about it, would you:

  1. Say nothing, deny everything
  2. Tell him/her what you know
  3. Go and sort the situation out yourself

You go to the bank and discover that your latest statement says you have £700, when you know you have only paid in £20. Do you:

  1. Immediately go into the bank and get the problem sorted out
  2. Draw some cash out
  3. Wait to see what happens

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Bible bit


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