Activity ideas : Friends Like These

Stuff needed

What to do

Divide the group into teams of 'Friends', then follow the instructions for each game


The points from each game should add up to 20

Game 1: Chocolate

Who: Choose someone who is good with food.   Alternatively play this as a team game where everyone takes a turn
Stuff needed: Pre-cut sweets and put in plastic bags
Instructions: One at a time, taste sweets while blindfolded
Points: 2 for correct guess

Game 2: Word pairs

Who: Choose someone who is good with words.   Alternatively get the whole team to play
Stuff needed: Word pairs
Instructions: Find the two words that make a 'pair'
Points: 1 per pair

Game 3: Obstacle

Who: Choose someone who is sporty.   Alternatively play this as a team game where everyone takes a turn
Stuff needed: Improvise!   Make an obstacle course using chair, balls, hoops etc.
Instructions: Complete the obstacle course as quickly as possible
Points: Derived from the time

Game 4: Lego

Who: Two people: the first should be good at giving instructions; the second should be good at listening
Stuff needed: Lego model / Lego / Square laundry basket
Instructions: The first person has to tell the second person how to make a copy of the Lego model
Points: Judge of of 20

Game 5: Jigsaw

Who: Choose someone who is good at puzzles.   Alternatively play this as a team game...everyone joins in
Stuff needed: A children's 30 piece jigsaw puzzle
Instructions: Make the jigsaw puzzle!
Points: Score based on how many pieces have been put together

End game: Quiz


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